Thursday, March 24, 2011


You know how there are some people in your life that you know in person for, like, 5 minutes and you have an instant connection?  My friend, Megan, is like that.  I was performing in a show with her brother several years ago and met her in the 'Joyed It Line* and loved her immediately.  I have not been in even the same state with her since then (I am hoping to remedy this with a road trip to Kentucky this summer), but we have carried on an online friendship through MySpace, Facebook and beyond.

She shares my love for all things retro and today, she posted a lovely remembrance of the lovely Elizabeth Taylor.  So, this one's for her. 

*Over to the Jenny Wiley Theatre in Prestonsburg, KY, the cast lines up after the show to shake hands with the audience.  Who file through saying, "Enjoyed it.  Enjoyed it."  Thus, the 'Joyed It Line. 


  1. Kim, this made me all weepy-eyed. I instantly felt the same way about you, and even though we only get to correspond online, feel that we are truly kindred spirits.

    Thank you so much ♥

  2. Such a good photo of her. I love this one!
