The Messrs. P had a much better time at the theatre tonight. They got to play around in the make-up drawer and hang out with the fellas. They are a little over-excited at the moment, but that's nothing a hot toddy and a half a Xanax won't cure.
"Oh, Mr. P - this really opens up your eyes!" |
"You should use it only on the upper lids. It takes focus from those under-eye bags." |
"Oh, for mercy's sake, they're not that bad. Now, come out of there, please." |
"Really, Mr. P - are you trying to kill me? Oh, my innards..." |
"We surrender! (Mr. P, do get up - I don't think he's buying it!)" |
"Ah, yes - just another little twirl....extraordinary!" |
You REALLY should keep them away from the guns!